Glenwood Junior Primary School near Godsolve Student Accommodation in Durban - Godsolve Rooms
Our Student Accommodation in Durban is located in Glenwood and is 1,8km (3 minutes drive) to the Glenwood Junior Primary School located at 63 Alan Paton Rd, Glenwood. Phone: 031 205 6963. Godsolve single and sharing accommodation is on the main bus route and taxi route. Below is the direction and one of the routes to take to Godsolve Accommodation in Durban
Whatsapp Richard on 082-900-2209 for Godsolve Accommodation
The GodSolve Success Package including the app is FREE for all residing students that are from Technical college. It is valued at R55,000, but is Free at our student Accommodation in Durban. This app can only be received from Richard or his Websites