GodSolve Student Accommodation in durban

Student Accommodation Durban

Student Accommodation in Durban Rooms. Free weekly Business, Investment, Success and Study Mentor, Durbans Best Lifecoach

Whatsapp Rich 082-900-2209

R2,350 per person 3 SHARE
R2,350 to R2,500 per person 2 SHARE
R2,900 to R4,200 SINGLE ROOM for 1 person
Student Accommodation Durban share Godsolve hosted by Richard Daguiar, Durbans Lifecoach

Our Theme Song Animated - Legends...

Godsolve accommodation theme song LEGENDSLEGENDS crop

- We are in Umbilo on main bus route

Student Accommodation Durban Godsolve

Choose An Awesome Life And be surrounded by People Who Care !

Student accommodation in durban host by Richard Daguiar

Whatsapp 082-900-2209 NOW !

Brothers and Sisters in Christ! - Family

Whatsapp 0829002209 NOW !

Student Accommodation Durban Godsolve sharing accommodation in durban with Durban Lifecoach Richard Daguiar

Pricing for 2022 starts from R1,750 per person

We have built the World's First A.I. Auto Coach, Not yet released, another invention by Richard Daguiar, a Durban Student LifeCoach !


 We have developed software that now makes the Impossible possible for many more young people. We have spent 9 years and over a million building and refining the World’s First Auto Coach that people can use on an android cell phone at their own pace and comfort. No internet is required for the cell phone.

The 24/7 auto coach pinpoints a user to their actual problem & attached emotion  which then allows their cellphone to instantly provide the solutions and tools required to solve. The simplified solutions are extracted from Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, John Kehoe and other authorities….

For people to carry all life’s solutions and tools to their problems would be impossible because they would need to carry many books or have a photographic  memory, (which most people do not have). There are over 50 types of problems, (excluding emotions ), that human beings will face over and over in their lifetime. Our Weekly Autocoach Live Training assists in solving many problems and future problems, but without a cell phone.

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

Warning !

Every Year, Communes Fill With The UnGodly... Run to Godsolve Accommodation !

prayer at our student accommodation in durban

Student Accommodation in Durban-Bonus

Once a Week Bible Study & Success Training at the Commune

Bible Study at our student accommodation in Durban

Weekly Success Training with Durban's Lifecoach at the commune

A RichardDaguiar lifecoaches once a week for free, at his Student Accommodation in durban commmunes in durban. Richard is lifecoach and business coach in durban 20180410
Student Accommodation In Durban Bonus Training with Durban lifecoach Richard Daguiar, a Durban lifecoach

My wife and I run our own student communes in Durban and house 52 students per year. These students study at various colleges in Durban.

We provide them with a free onsite mentorship and training package valued at R200, 000 for FREE to our resident students. We also give them Youth nights during the weekend.

Richard is a powerful testimony of  Gods Transformation in Christ. Richard has also studied  under Tony Robbins , Bob Proctor and John Kehoe (now Robin banks). He owned nothing in 1998 and now has 8 properties……Huge Growth…But it does not stop there…Richard Conducts once a week, powerful, business, investment, success and study mentorship to his tenants for free! (since 2013)

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

Fully Furnished + Free Wi Fi + Mini Gym + Swimming Pool +...

Get GodSolve Student Accommodation...
Protection, Happiness
True Empowerment!

How To Secure Your Room at our Student Accommodation in Durban

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

Whatsapp Richard on 0829002209…He will give you Directions to the main office to chat with you and show you rooms.

A RichardDaguiar lifecoaches once a week for free, at his Student Accommodation in durban commmunes in durban. Richard is lifecoach and business coach in durban 20180410

This is a World’s First, Student Accommodation in Durban that transforms residing students personally, spiritually and emotionally. The students have access to an onsite mentor and Durban life coach, Richard Daguiar. He has innovated world class strategies to help transform a person personally, spiritually and  emotionally. The students at our student rooms in durban also have access to bible teachings with his wife, Ingrid.

Richard is an inventor,  and a protector, and has combined the teachings of his world class coaches. He has built the world’s first auto coach, available 24/7. It gives instant strategy to every problem & emotion that comes your way. Angelsolve.com is the name of the android app. It assists to overflow with happiness and success.

Included, is the free 5 flows of life course. This course assists in transforming your mind, emotions, spirit and finances. It helps you adjust your stability. You have more fun. You become wise and recognosed. You increase your love and connection. You learn to Give!

Richard Daguiar has changed his life in every area using the data in the app.

Not only has Richard combined, but he has simply organised everything into the 5 flows of life. The study content is simple to understand. He has also made the solutions, strategies and tools available at the press of a button !

Richard Gave his Life to Christ in 1995 and since 1998, Richard Daguiar has managed to radically transform his own life. He used similar  world class strategies and tactics that he has placed into the app.. For the past 9 years, Richard and his wife (married 26 years) has consolidated and worked out a way to teach this same cutting edge training to their 50 students living on their 8 properties.

Changing the world for the people who cannot afford the tools of change!… The people who have been chained and imprisoned to life’s ignorant conditioning! The people who cannot get through the gates of having a life!

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

We Provide the best private student accommodation in durban for the following colleges, institutes, campuses, university, higher learning, accelerated learnining, distance learning and matric upgrades. 

Medical school ukzn, Nelson Mandela Medical school, Ukzn, Howard College, Thekwini Fet College Congella, Dt Nursing Institute Durban, Coastal College durban, Coastal kzn college (coastal college), COASTAL KZN TVET, inkways durban, candle light nursing, CTU, Melborne Technical college, Central Technical College (melbourne campus, sydney road, durban), Berea Technical College (berea tech) are walking distance to our student accommodation in durban. 

Over the past few years we have accommodated students studying in Umhlanga at colleges Sky Aviation Academy and Eduvos.

We also have Godsolve student accommodation in durban in walking distance to churches which are denominations like the Catholic church, Baptist church, Methodist church, Lutheron church, Apostolic Church, Zion church (Zionists), seventh day adventist church, christ church, durban christian centre church, charasmatic church, jehovah witness kingdom hall…

The Following colleges and campuses in Durban are on the main bus and Taxi transport route to our student accommodation in durban….Embury, Edgewood, Creative arts college, vegas college, eduvos umhlanga, Sky aviation, Istudent Academy,  Anchorlite College, Damelin Berea, Damelin overport, Elite College Pty Ltd Durban, Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology, richfield college, Durban University Of Technology berea durban, Thekwini Fet College, THEKwini College, UNISA north beach durban, Boston City Campus & Business College, mancosa durban, ICESA City Campus, embury teachers training college, ICESA durban, Oval International, Creative Art College Durban, Oval International Computer Education durban,  Rosebank College, Berea Technical College, Thekweni College for Further Education & Training, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ukzn, howard college, howard campus, Durban University Of Technology Ritson Campus, dut durban, myoval durban, Maritime & Skills College durban, maritime college ,SA Maritime & Transport College, samtra durban, regent, regent durban, regent business school, eden schools high, dcc campus durban computer college.

Student Accommodation in Durban Review

We provide very unique & beneficial training at our ukzn student accommodation in Durban. The training is unique in the sense it encompasses what happens in life holistically. This is why it is so beneficial to every student.

If you only cater to one part of a student’s life & neglect the rest. Then it is highly likely based on extensive experience with hundreds of students that something is going to go wrong really soon.

So to avoid this we have weekly life coach training sessions that cover a wide variety of important need to know subjects at our ukzn student accommodation in Durban. These are not taught academically at higher education institutions. These subjects in our mentorship program are made easy to understand. They are interesting & fun for students with use of video’s related to them.

We train students spiritually weekly as well because your spiritual life determines what happens & the outcomes in the rest of your life. We are Christ centered so students learn what this means & how to apply it in their own lives. Students are also helped to grow spiritually with practical questions they have to answer & group discussion sessions.

This leads onto teamwork at our ukzn student accommodation in Durban. Living in a student commune becomes a fun filled place when students understand the joys, dynamics & challenges of teamwork. These teams form part of what we offer in very vital life skills training. The reality of where every one of our students is made to take responsibility for the smooth running of their commune.

Students are encouraged to make use of the gym equipment provided to them at the properties. Those who do so regularly are allocated points as we do often stress the importance of good health because we care.

Another exciting point of our ukzn student accommodation in Durban is our appointing of student leaders. These are students who have resided with us for a year or more & fully understand our values & culture. They are happy to assist with new students & actively help on the property. They most definitely are not just delegators.

Finally we have a number of free social student events. Not only are these events lots of fun socially for the students as they get to meet & interact with students from our other communes. Students are also given opportunities to display their talents. We have fun dance & singing, as well as those students who do speeches & our preachers.


So in conclusion we offer students way more than just accommodation. We offer a really special student centered lifestyle. This is far more conducive for study purposes as the lifestyle functions holistically. Yes, we care for our students at our ukzn student accommodation in Durban

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

We Provide the best private student accommodation in durban for these additional colleges and High Schools that we have provided directions to Godsolve Accommodation in Durban. We also provide single rooms in Durban

Sycamore Academy school, Glenwood High School, Ahmeds high school

, Durban Girls High School, Glenwood Cambridge International School, Glenwood Christian School

St Henry’s Marist College, Eden College Durban, Camelot College, Port Natal Skool (Port Natal School

), Holy Family College, Keitsleigh School, Advantage Learn, umbilo technical college, WDG Mentorship College, IDB Architectural Technology, Christian High School, University of Kwazulu-Natal – School of Nursing, World of Plenty Academy, The Marist Association, 3 Schools Astro ( The Three Schools Trust )

Sports complex, Wavebound Surf School, Victorious Independent High And Primary School Durban, Durban University of Technology overport, wiggins secondary school,, Flourish in Style Image Consultancy Beauty school, Dance Direction International , African Footballing Stars – Club and Development Training (Stella Astro Soccer) , African Vision Secondary school, kzn training academy school, kzn training academy school, UMBILO FET COLLEGE PTY LTD AND VOCATIONAL CENTRE, SELBORNE EDUCARE CENTRE AND BOARDING, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College School Of Psychology Faculty of psychology , Skills for Life Training,, ZIMELE HIGH SCHOOL, GROW Educare Centres, Winsome Fuller Studio of Dance , Mayville Secondary School, Piano-Forte  Piano instructor, Mooi River Studio, GoodPet Dog Training, Sherherzade Belly Dance Studio Dance school, UNITE BUILDING (UKZN) School, Pioneer DJ Institute Durban DJ service, CEBC School in Durban, UKZN Extended Learning center , Hotel School Restaurant, WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL Religious school,  University of KwaZulu-Natal – Howard College, University of Kwazulu-Natal – School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Umbilo Skills Training Centre Trade school, Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School,, Sastri College,, KwaZulu-Natal Institute For Architecture Volunteer organization , School of Engineering – Unite Building, Department Of Nursing DUT school,, Glady Glen Dressmaking School Fashion designer , College of Medicine of SA,, Ansell May Hall University of KwaZulu-Natal Residential college , Umkhumbane Schools Project, Offshore Sailing Academy School , Impucuzeko Training & Skills Development Film production company , Durban Language Centre Language school, Carlson Gracie / Lion’s Den SA Martial arts school, Glenwood Gymnastics Club  gymnastics center, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal – Dept of Radiology,, Golden Gateway Training Centre, U.T.S Umbilo Training Specialists Training centreComputer & Business Courses Computer training school, Durban Central Circuit Office Department of education , Gate Way City College,, Sibongimpilo Training Educational institution, Beauty Therapy Institute Durban, BTI Beauty school,

 We are usually found with the following search terms in google…

student accommodation in Durban

Rooms to rent Durban

Single rooms in Durban

Single rooms to rent Durban

Furnished rooms in Durban

Shared rooms in Durban

Rooms to let Durban

Single room accommodation Durban

Student rooms Durban

Student single rooms Durban

Whatsapp Richard 0829002209 NOW !

Godsolve student accommodation in Durban vs other student accommodation in durban

All Our Students Are trained to being equipped and empowered for this year and their entire future. All our students are checked up on at least once a week due to the compulsory weekly meetings All our students are truly cared for. All our students have access to us as on site mentors! Our students have free access to our R200,000 Training which is the information in the Worlds first Auto coach, problem and emotion solver android app.

Our Student Accommodation in Durban Program